Follow the Sun
Follow the Sun

Welcome to Follow the Sun

A community designed to harness astrology and cosmic guidance towards healing and transformation.

I Help People Heal.


Meet the Moon Mama

By the time I was thirty, I’d experienced the death of both my parents and all of my grandparents. I wanted to do nothing but die due to all the trauma I was carrying in my body.

It was the most difficult work of my life but I started asking deeper questions to my higher self.

I stopped asking “Why me?” and starting ask the universe to give me the strength and the power to meet the call of the obstacles that lay before me. I stopped resisting and began surrendering to a power within me that desired solutions over escape routes for what felt heart breaking and scary.

At one moment I heard myself say, “Every difficulty and obstacle is an invitation to know what you’re truly made of and who you really are, if you’re willing to show up.” 

The moment I started showing up to myself compassionately and with love, miracles started happening and wounds began to heal.

Yes—I’ve studied with spiritual leaders and received certifications and degrees. And nothing qualifies me to support others in their healing work the way my life experiences have. I’ve walked in the deepest shadows of self-loathing, co-dependence and addictive behaviors. I know the corridors of these feelings intimately and I know how to get free. I know it for myself and I can assist you in knowing for yourself.

Why You Should Join Us

Joining Follow the Sun will support you in healing and transforming your relationship to life in EVERY way possible by learning to follow the cycles of the sun.

It is my personal mission to support you as you begin creating sacred practices to support circular living. Follow The Sun offers two (2) virtual spaces designed to offer rituals, practices, tools and community focusing on the where the Sun is in any given day.

Why the Sun?

The Sun is the generator of light and gravitational energy. These energies impact everything we do, think and feel. When we become consciously aware of our relationship to the Sun and how it’s light moves through our psyche, we can begin to create with this light. We can understand what are deepest desires that are being asked of us.

Each month, the Sun spends 30 days in each constellation of the zodiac. In astrology, we also associate these constellations with the 12 houses in the natal chart. Each house rules various aspects of your human existence from relationships to health and everything in between.

It is our relationship to the celestial bodies (planets) which help us understand ourselves and our divine cosmic connection.

All of the content is designed as a way for us to dive into our minds and lives to consciously align ourselves to the energies of these celestial bodies.

How We Will Follow the Sun


You will be able to access classes designed specifically to heal outdated programming and patterns which no longer serve you as you move more intentionally into the Age of Aquarius energy. 


Rituals are the key to healing and relating to the unseen world. Follow The Sun is a community where ritual and sacred practices are common to place. If this earth is one thing, it’s magical as fuck and rituals help us to heal and access the realms of miracles. 

Guest Teachers:

Follow The Sun will partner with other healers and teachers who are leading the cutting edge journey towards the Age of Aquarius. These are people who have been dedicated to healing practices and have perfected technologies which support new perspectives on healing and transformation. They will be sharing healing modalities which are aligned with nature, cycles and internal practices. 

The Moon Mama:

It’s my joy to offer and build a community designed to harness astrology and cosmic guidance towards healing and transformation. It’s my desire to offer information to support generational healing, accessing greater power and living the life you’re born to live and love!